
dconpla.fans has all the solutions to your problems in one spot. We are the right people to solve all of your problems. All you have to d is pick up the phone, email or use our Live Support Feature. Our experts will shock and surprise you with how fast we can solution your problem.

About Us

dconpla.fans has the answers to the problems you encounter. We have all been there, computer issue comes up just as you are about to start using a site. It is irritating and annoying but we are here to fix that in the snap of a finger and get your back to what your really want to be doing..surfing and having fun.

You will be amazed at our commitment

We are the only customer service based company that puts your needs first and foremost no matter what time of the day. We are here to make sure that your problems are solved and you are happy and content and back to having fun.

Highly Trained Agents

We look far and wide for highly trained agents who are experienced in all aspects of customer service. Technical, support and billing is all at our fingertips and we can answer and solution your questions.


What ways do you offer to pay?

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You can pay with any major credit card (Amex, Visa, MasterCard and Discover). We offer a debit card solution and you can also pay via money order, cheque and Paypal account. Want more information..call us at +1-844-935-0095 , email us at [email protected] or hit the Live Support at anytime to discuss payment options.

How do I start a subscription with your company?

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Easy! Make an account, log in and wander around. Check out our upgrade page and pick a membership. It really is that easy. All we need from you is a valid email address to confirm your account, a valid credit card to valid you are 18 and for you to be ready to have a good time.

Is there always someone to speak to?

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Absolutely. We have agents available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer all your pressing issues. Call us at +1-844-935-0095 , email us at [email protected] or hit the Live Support Button at anytime.

What if I have a question that is not in your FAQ?

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If you did not find the answers you need in our FAQ section, we are sorry. We can’t list all the answers unfortunately, but please feel free to call us at +1-844-935-0095 , email us at [email protected] or hit the Live Support Button at anytime and we will be more then happy to assist you with anything you may need.

How come I got a trial membership but am now being charged for a full month?

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We offer a variety of trial periods that will all become month to month. If you do not wish your subscription to change to a month to month please feel free to contact us to help you revert back to a basic membership.

Are you sure I can trust your site with my credit card information?

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Yes you can. In this time of uncertainty we are absolutely certain that you will be able to trust us with your private information. For more information on our privacy policies please call us at +1-844-935-0095 , email us at [email protected]

Do you send information thorough the mail?

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Never!! We will never violate your privacy by sending anything thorough the mail.

Can others see my personal info?

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No your information is secure and safe with our agents. We ensure the privacy and safety of our clients.

Contact Us!

We are here to show you how we can assist you with any and all your issues. We will never fail you. We can and will help you 24/7/365.
Check us out by any one of the ways below.

Contact us:

[email protected]

Broodish International Inc.

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